Thursday, May 22, 2008

When I move my EndNote Library into Refworks, can I import the EndNote "Record Numbers" into a field other than the RefWorks notes field?

To restate the question: I've saved many electronic, full-text articles. I've used the corresponding EndNote "Record Numbers" to name the saved files. When I move my EndNote Library into Refworks, can I import the EndNote "Record Numbers" into a field other than the RefWorks notes field? I would like the EndNote Record Number to appear in a field that contains no other information.

Perhaps you'd like to use "User 5" to store your file names?

If you add the EndNote Records Numbers to User 5, you can easily display your EndNote Record Numbers in a revised version of RefWorks' "standard view." In the example below, 101 is the EndNote Record Number:

Title: Is there a place for duloxetine?
Authors: Anonymous
Source: Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, 2007, 45(4):29-32, England.
Document Name: 101

(click here for instructions for adding the slightly revised "standard view" format to your account).

To import your EndNote "Record Numbers" into RefWorks "User 5" field. Follow the steps outlined below:

Create a RIS format, plain text file of your EndNote records.
1. Open the EndNote library of interest
2. Use the "Edit" menu to select "Output Styles" and then "Open Style Manager"
3. Wait -- the "Style Manager" takes awhile to open
4. In the "EndNote Styles" box, place a check mark in the box in front of the "RefMan (RIS) export" style
5. Close the "EndNote Styles" box.
6. Use the "Edit" menu to select "Output Styles" and select "RefMan (RIS) Export."
7. A check mark will appear in front of the style.
8. Select the references you wish to export. If you want to export all references, you can use the "Edit" menu to "Select All."
9. Use the "File" menu to select "Export."
10. A "Save As" dialog box will appear. Choose a "Save In" location that you will remember. Give the file a name you will remember. The "Save as Type" drop-down should have chosen "Text File (*.txt)" by default -- retain this selection.

Follow the steps outlined below to create a revised file:
11. Open the plain text file that you saved in step 10.
steps 12 – 15 are recommended for files that contain more than 50 references.
12. Use the Edit menu to "select all."
13. Use the Edit menu to "copy."
14. Open a Word document.
15. Use the Edit menu to "paste."
16. Use the "Edit" menu to select "Replace."
17. In the "Find and Replace" dialog box that appears, enter
ID -
in the "Find What:" box and enter
U5 -
in the "Replace with:" box.
There are 2 spaces between the "ID" or "U5" and the hyphen. It is important to enter the correct number of spaces!
18. Click on "Replace all"
19. Use the "File" menu to select "Save as."
20. In the "Save as" dialog box, change the "Save as type" choice to "Plain test (*.txt)"
21. Chose a location and file name that you'll remember.

Import the revised file (step 21) into RefWorks:
22. Log into your RefWorks account.
23. Use the "References" menu to select "Import"
24. Use the "Import Filter/Data Source" drop-down menu to select "RIS Format"
25. Use the "Database" menu to select "Endnote Windows" or "EndNote MacIntosh" as appropriate.
26. Click the "Browse" button. A "Choose File" dialog box will appear.
27. Select the file you exported from EndNote
28. Click on the "Import" button.

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