Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can I export my references out of RefWorks so that the Abstract is printed?

If you just need a formatted reference list of references that includes abstracts, try the instructions below.

1. Log into your RefWorks account.
2. Click on the "Tools" menu.
3. Select "Output Style Manager"
4. After reaching the "output Style Manger" page, add the following 3 output styles -- "APA 5th -- Annotated with abstracts.....", "APA 6th -- Annotated with abstracts.....", and "Abstract View -- UNMC" -- to your list of favorites. (To add a style to your favorites list, select the style from the "Choose Output Style" box and click on the "Add to Favorites" button)
5. Click on RefWorks' "Bibliography" button/menu
6. When you reach the "Bibliography" page, use the "Output Style" drop-down menu to select one of the three styles you just added to your favorites list.
7. Click on the circle/radiobutton next to "Format a Bibliography from a List of References". You can then choose to have the reference list created in Word or in html (html is faster) and you can choose which group of references you want to format.
8. When you have made all choices make sure all pop-up blockers are turned off and click the "Create Bibliography" button.

If these instructions don't give you the output you need, let me (Cindy Schmidt) know. I can create an output style that will produce almost any kind of output you might want. There are also export options that allow you to import data (including abstracts) into an Excel spreadsheet. Using the Excel spreadsheet various types of tables can be created.

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