To restate the question: I've saved many electronic, full-text articles. I've used the corresponding EndNote "Record Numbers" to name the saved files. When I move my EndNote Library into Refworks, can I import the EndNote "Record Numbers" into a field other than the RefWorks notes field? I would like the EndNote Record Number to appear in a field that contains no other information.
Perhaps you'd like to use "User 5" to store your file names?
If you add the EndNote Records Numbers to User 5, you can easily display your EndNote Record Numbers in a revised version of RefWorks' "standard view." In the example below, 101 is the EndNote Record Number:
Title: Is there a place for duloxetine?
Authors: Anonymous
Source: Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, 2007, 45(4):29-32, England.
Document Name: 101
(click here for instructions for adding the slightly revised "standard view" format to your account).
To import your EndNote "Record Numbers" into RefWorks "User 5" field. Follow the steps outlined below:
Create a RIS format, plain text file of your EndNote records.
1. Open the EndNote library of interest
2. Use the "Edit" menu to select "Output Styles" and then "Open Style Manager"
3. Wait -- the "Style Manager" takes awhile to open
4. In the "EndNote Styles" box, place a check mark in the box in front of the "RefMan (RIS) export" style
5. Close the "EndNote Styles" box.
6. Use the "Edit" menu to select "Output Styles" and select "RefMan (RIS) Export."
7. A check mark will appear in front of the style.
8. Select the references you wish to export. If you want to export all references, you can use the "Edit" menu to "Select All."
9. Use the "File" menu to select "Export."
10. A "Save As" dialog box will appear. Choose a "Save In" location that you will remember. Give the file a name you will remember. The "Save as Type" drop-down should have chosen "Text File (*.txt)" by default -- retain this selection.
Follow the steps outlined below to create a revised file:
11. Open the plain text file that you saved in step 10.
steps 12 – 15 are recommended for files that contain more than 50 references.
12. Use the Edit menu to "select all."
13. Use the Edit menu to "copy."
14. Open a Word document.
15. Use the Edit menu to "paste."
16. Use the "Edit" menu to select "Replace."
17. In the "Find and Replace" dialog box that appears, enter
ID -
in the "Find What:" box and enter
U5 -
in the "Replace with:" box.
There are 2 spaces between the "ID" or "U5" and the hyphen. It is important to enter the correct number of spaces!
18. Click on "Replace all"
19. Use the "File" menu to select "Save as."
20. In the "Save as" dialog box, change the "Save as type" choice to "Plain test (*.txt)"
21. Chose a location and file name that you'll remember.
Import the revised file (step 21) into RefWorks:
22. Log into your RefWorks account.
23. Use the "References" menu to select "Import"
24. Use the "Import Filter/Data Source" drop-down menu to select "RIS Format"
25. Use the "Database" menu to select "Endnote Windows" or "EndNote MacIntosh" as appropriate.
26. Click the "Browse" button. A "Choose File" dialog box will appear.
27. Select the file you exported from EndNote
28. Click on the "Import" button.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Can I make the file names stored in User 5 field appear in Refworks' "Standard View?"
To restate the question: I've saved full-text for many articles and have added the file names to the User 5 fields in the corresponding RefWorks records. Can I make the file names stored in User 5 field appear in Refworks' "Standard View?"
You can't add a field to the existing "Standard View" but you can customize your account to include a version of the Standard View that includes User 5. Does an output style like the following (where, " Drug Ther Bull 2007 p29.pdf " is the document name that the account user added to User Field 5) meet your needs?
Title: Is there a place for duloxetine?
Authors: Anonymous
Source: Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, 2007, 45(4):29-32, England.
Document Name: Drug Ther Bull 2007 p29.pdf
If this output style meets your needs, follow the steps below. If you want to use a different field for the document name or if you need a revised format, contact Cindy.
Obtain the "Standard View with Document Name" output style.
1. Click here to download the "Standard View with Document" file.
2. When the "File Download" dialog box appears, click the "Save" button.
3. When the "Save as" dialog box appears, select a "Save in" location that you will remember and click the "Save" button.
Add the "Standard View with Document Name" output style to your RefWorks account.
1. Log into your RefWorks account.
2. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
3. You may wish to create a backup copy of your account before continuing. This will protect you from disasterous problems that could occur if you fail to follow the succeeding steps exactly. To create a backup:
3a. Retain the default "Backup" selection.
3b. Make sure all boxes are checked ("Include References," ""Include RSS feeds," etc.)
3c. Click on "Perform Backup."
3d. When the "File Download" box appears, click on "Save."
3e. When the "Save As" dialog box appears, select a "Save in" location and "File Name" you will remember. Do not change the default "Save as type."
3f. Click on the "Save" button.
4. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
5. This time, click on the circle in front of "Restore."
6. Click the "Browse" button.
7. The "Choose File" dialog box will appear. Use it to locate the Standard View with Document file you saved earlier and click the "Open" button.
8. On the "Backup/Restore" screen, click the box in front of " Include Output Styles." Do not select any of the other boxes!!
9. Click on the "Perform Restore" button.
10. The -- Output Style Restore :"Standard View with Document Name" was added to your list of output styles
-- message should appear.
Customize your account so that you can preview references in the "Standard View with Document Name" format
1. Use the RefWorks "Tools" menu to select "Customize."
2. In the "Reference List Options" section, use one of your three " Output Styles Choices for Reference View" drop-down menus to select "Standard View with Document Name." (this option will appear in red in the list of output styles.)
3. If you would like the words "Document Name" to appear on the "Edit" screen next to User Field 5 (instead of the words "User 5"), scroll down to the "User Field Options" section of the "Customize" page and type – Document Name – in the "User 5 Field Name" box.
4. Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
To check your work
1. Use the "Folders" menu to select "View" and then a specific folder.
2. When the references appear, use the "Switch to" menu to select "Standard View with Document Name."
You can't add a field to the existing "Standard View" but you can customize your account to include a version of the Standard View that includes User 5. Does an output style like the following (where, " Drug Ther Bull 2007 p29.pdf " is the document name that the account user added to User Field 5) meet your needs?
Title: Is there a place for duloxetine?
Authors: Anonymous
Source: Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, 2007, 45(4):29-32, England.
Document Name: Drug Ther Bull 2007 p29.pdf
If this output style meets your needs, follow the steps below. If you want to use a different field for the document name or if you need a revised format, contact Cindy.
Obtain the "Standard View with Document Name" output style.
1. Click here to download the "Standard View with Document" file.
2. When the "File Download" dialog box appears, click the "Save" button.
3. When the "Save as" dialog box appears, select a "Save in" location that you will remember and click the "Save" button.
Add the "Standard View with Document Name" output style to your RefWorks account.
1. Log into your RefWorks account.
2. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
3. You may wish to create a backup copy of your account before continuing. This will protect you from disasterous problems that could occur if you fail to follow the succeeding steps exactly. To create a backup:
3a. Retain the default "Backup" selection.
3b. Make sure all boxes are checked ("Include References," ""Include RSS feeds," etc.)
3c. Click on "Perform Backup."
3d. When the "File Download" box appears, click on "Save."
3e. When the "Save As" dialog box appears, select a "Save in" location and "File Name" you will remember. Do not change the default "Save as type."
3f. Click on the "Save" button.
4. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
5. This time, click on the circle in front of "Restore."
6. Click the "Browse" button.
7. The "Choose File" dialog box will appear. Use it to locate the Standard View with Document file you saved earlier and click the "Open" button.
8. On the "Backup/Restore" screen, click the box in front of " Include Output Styles." Do not select any of the other boxes!!
9. Click on the "Perform Restore" button.
10. The -- Output Style Restore :"Standard View with Document Name" was added to your list of output styles
-- message should appear.
Customize your account so that you can preview references in the "Standard View with Document Name" format
1. Use the RefWorks "Tools" menu to select "Customize."
2. In the "Reference List Options" section, use one of your three " Output Styles Choices for Reference View" drop-down menus to select "Standard View with Document Name." (this option will appear in red in the list of output styles.)
3. If you would like the words "Document Name" to appear on the "Edit" screen next to User Field 5 (instead of the words "User 5"), scroll down to the "User Field Options" section of the "Customize" page and type – Document Name – in the "User 5 Field Name" box.
4. Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
To check your work
1. Use the "Folders" menu to select "View" and then a specific folder.
2. When the references appear, use the "Switch to" menu to select "Standard View with Document Name."
I want to use RefWorks Ref ID numbers as names for my saved full-text articles. Will this naming system work if I need to create a second account?
You can replicate the contents (including RefID numbers) of an original account in a new account. However, your ability to force a reference to have the same Ref ID number in the two accounts ends after you've imported the initial group of records into the new account. If you add the same reference to the two accounts at a later date, you won't be able to force that reference to have the same RefID number in the two different accounts.
To create a second account with the same initial contents (including RefIDs) as an already established account:
Create a Backup of Your Original Account.
1. Open the already established account.
2. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
3. Click on "Perform Backup."
4. When the "File Download" dialog box appears, click on the "Save" button.
5. When the "Save As" dialog box appears, select a "Save in" location and "File Name" you will remember. Do not change the default "Save as type."
6. Click on the "Save" button.
7. Log-out of the established account.
Use the Backup to Populate Your new Account.
8. Create your new Refworks account. Do not use an account that already contains references.
9. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
10. Click on the circle in front of "Restore."
11. Click on the box in front of "Include References." Click on the other boxes if appropriate.
12. Click on the "Browse" button.
13. In the "Choose File" dialog box, select the saved backup of your original account (from step 6).
14. Click the "Open" button.15. Click the "Perform Restore" button.
You can replicate the contents (including RefID numbers) of an original account in a new account. However, your ability to force a reference to have the same Ref ID number in the two accounts ends after you've imported the initial group of records into the new account. If you add the same reference to the two accounts at a later date, you won't be able to force that reference to have the same RefID number in the two different accounts.
To create a second account with the same initial contents (including RefIDs) as an already established account:
Create a Backup of Your Original Account.
1. Open the already established account.
2. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
3. Click on "Perform Backup."
4. When the "File Download" dialog box appears, click on the "Save" button.
5. When the "Save As" dialog box appears, select a "Save in" location and "File Name" you will remember. Do not change the default "Save as type."
6. Click on the "Save" button.
7. Log-out of the established account.
Use the Backup to Populate Your new Account.
8. Create your new Refworks account. Do not use an account that already contains references.
9. Use the "References" menu to select "Backup/Restore."
10. Click on the circle in front of "Restore."
11. Click on the box in front of "Include References." Click on the other boxes if appropriate.
12. Click on the "Browse" button.
13. In the "Choose File" dialog box, select the saved backup of your original account (from step 6).
14. Click the "Open" button.15. Click the "Perform Restore" button.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I would like the entire contents of my folder to be displayed on a single page. Is it possible to change the number of references per page?
You can change the number of references displayed on a page in RefWorks and Write-N-Cite. To do so, use the RefWorks "Tools" menu to select "Customize." In the "References per Page" box, type the number of references you would like to see on a single page. Remember, the more references you display on a page, the longer it will take that page to load. I, personally, can barely tolerate waiting for 50 references, but I am a little impatient.
Monday, May 5, 2008
I can't seem to delete in-text citations. I delete the code but when I format the document the reference reappears. What am I doing wrong?
Write-n-Cite III inserts a lot of code that isn't visible in the Word document. You can't delete this code by simply deleting the visible code in the Word document.
To delete an in-text citation when using Write-n-Cite III:
1. In Word, place your cursor in the code or in the formatted citation of interest.
2. In Write-n-Cite III, click on "Edit Citation" (The "Edit Citation" link is in tiny print and appears very near the upper right-hand corner of the Write-n-Cite III window.)
3. A "Citation Editor" pop-up window will appear. The window will contain a "Preview" of your formatted citation. Below the preview area is a list of the references in the in-text citation of interest.
4. Find the reference you wish to remove and click on the "Remove" link for this reference.
5. Close the "Citation Editor" pop-up.
6. Remember to save your Word document to make the change permanent.
To delete an in-text citation when using Write-n-Cite III:
1. In Word, place your cursor in the code or in the formatted citation of interest.
2. In Write-n-Cite III, click on "Edit Citation" (The "Edit Citation" link is in tiny print and appears very near the upper right-hand corner of the Write-n-Cite III window.)
3. A "Citation Editor" pop-up window will appear. The window will contain a "Preview" of your formatted citation. Below the preview area is a list of the references in the in-text citation of interest.
4. Find the reference you wish to remove and click on the "Remove" link for this reference.
5. Close the "Citation Editor" pop-up.
6. Remember to save your Word document to make the change permanent.
Friday, May 2, 2008
When I try to work offline using Write-n-Cite III, I get the message "Error in UserTable.DoQuery." What should I do?
I was able to get past this problem by changing my McAfee security settings. Resetting your security program's settings may work for you also. These are the steps I followed in McAfee (steps in Norton and other security programs may vary):
1. Double click on the McAfee icon on the lower right-hand side of the screen. This should open the "On-Access Scan Statistics" box.
2. Click on the "Properties" button. This should open the "On-Access Scan Properties" box.
3. Click on the "High risk processes" icon in the navigation panel of the "On-Access Scan Properties" box.
4. Click on the "Detection" tab.
5. In the "What not to scan" section at the bottom of the "Detection" page, click on the "Exclusions" button. A "Set Exclusions" pop-up should appear.
6. Click on the "Add" button in the "Set Exclusions" pop-up. An "Add Exclusion Item" pop-up should appear.
7. In the "Add Exclusion Item" pop-up, click on the "Browse" button.
8. Locate and select "Write-n-Cite"
9. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the "Add Exclusion Item" pop-up.
10. Click the "OK" button in the "Set Exclusions" pop-up.
11. Click the "Apply" and then the "OK" buttons in the "On-Access Scan Properties" box.
12. Try re-opening Write-n-Cite and checking the "Work Offline" box.
1. Double click on the McAfee icon on the lower right-hand side of the screen. This should open the "On-Access Scan Statistics" box.
2. Click on the "Properties" button. This should open the "On-Access Scan Properties" box.
3. Click on the "High risk processes" icon in the navigation panel of the "On-Access Scan Properties" box.
4. Click on the "Detection" tab.
5. In the "What not to scan" section at the bottom of the "Detection" page, click on the "Exclusions" button. A "Set Exclusions" pop-up should appear.
6. Click on the "Add" button in the "Set Exclusions" pop-up. An "Add Exclusion Item" pop-up should appear.
7. In the "Add Exclusion Item" pop-up, click on the "Browse" button.
8. Locate and select "Write-n-Cite"
9. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the "Add Exclusion Item" pop-up.
10. Click the "OK" button in the "Set Exclusions" pop-up.
11. Click the "Apply" and then the "OK" buttons in the "On-Access Scan Properties" box.
12. Try re-opening Write-n-Cite and checking the "Work Offline" box.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Can I create an Excel Table from my RefWorks data?
Yes. Just follow the steps shown below.
Begin by saving your RefWorks data into a tab delimited file
1. Log-in to your Refworks account
2. Use the "References" menu to select export
3. Select the references you wish to export -- either "all references," "My List," or a specific folder of references
4. Select the "Tab Delimited" export format
5. Click "Export to Text File"
6. A new browser window or new browser tab will appear that contains the tab delimited file.
7. In Excel 2007 for Windows, use the "Page" icon to select "Save As." In earlier version of Excel, use the browser's "File" menu to choose "Save as." Choose a name for the file and a location for the file that you'll remember. Save the file as a .txt file (this should be the default option).
To import the data into an excel worksheet (This is one method. There may be a better way.): 1. Open Microsoft Excel
2. Click on the "Data" menu. In Excel 2007 for Windows, select "From Text." In earlier version of Excel, select "Import External Data" and "Import Data"
3. Use the "Import Text File" dialog box (in Excel 2007) or "Select Data Source" menu that appears to locate, select and open the plain-text, tab-delimited file containing your RefWorks data.
4. A "Text Import Wizard" will appear.
5. Leave the "Delimited" default selection as is and click the "Next" button.
6. Leave the "Tab" deafult selection as is and click the "next" button. Click the "Next" button.
7. Click the "Finish" button.
8. In the "Import data" box that appears, select the worksheet where you want to put the data.
You can also transfer data from an Excel Spreadsheet into RefWorks. Althought that process is considerably more complex : - ).
Begin by saving your RefWorks data into a tab delimited file
1. Log-in to your Refworks account
2. Use the "References" menu to select export
3. Select the references you wish to export -- either "all references," "My List," or a specific folder of references
4. Select the "Tab Delimited" export format
5. Click "Export to Text File"
6. A new browser window or new browser tab will appear that contains the tab delimited file.
7. In Excel 2007 for Windows, use the "Page" icon to select "Save As." In earlier version of Excel, use the browser's "File" menu to choose "Save as." Choose a name for the file and a location for the file that you'll remember. Save the file as a .txt file (this should be the default option).
To import the data into an excel worksheet (This is one method. There may be a better way.): 1. Open Microsoft Excel
2. Click on the "Data" menu. In Excel 2007 for Windows, select "From Text." In earlier version of Excel, select "Import External Data" and "Import Data"
3. Use the "Import Text File" dialog box (in Excel 2007) or "Select Data Source" menu that appears to locate, select and open the plain-text, tab-delimited file containing your RefWorks data.
4. A "Text Import Wizard" will appear.
5. Leave the "Delimited" default selection as is and click the "Next" button.
6. Leave the "Tab" deafult selection as is and click the "next" button. Click the "Next" button.
7. Click the "Finish" button.
8. In the "Import data" box that appears, select the worksheet where you want to put the data.
You can also transfer data from an Excel Spreadsheet into RefWorks. Althought that process is considerably more complex : - ).
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